Laclede County Road & Bridge

Welcome to Laclede County Road & Bridge

Laclede County Grader

Welcome! We would like to thank you for taking an interest in the transportation system of Laclede County by visiting our website. Our mission is to maintain and improve the county’s roads and bridges. Laclede County Road & Bridge deals strictly with county roads, right of ways, bridges, and signs. The department does not oversee the activates of any utilities such as sewer, electric, or water.

We hope our website helps facilitate two-way communication with the concerned citizens of Laclede County. Please send us any ideas for further enhancement so we can continue to provide relevant services and information.

Current Closures

The following road closure information has been provided by the emergency service providers
and road maintenance crews in Laclede County. We strive to keep this list as up-to-date
as possible. To report a road concern, you may do so by contacting the district maintaining the road.

None at this time.

-Lambeth Bridge – closed indefinitely

Find My Road

Below is a list of existing road names within Laclede County. Find the road name
and the department that maintains it. If you have any concerns with any road listed, call the
department listed beside it.

Laclede County
Common Road District

County Commissioners

Special Road District #1

Shane Johnson

Special Road District #2

Steve Leonard

Special Road District #3

Cody Jones

Laclede County Commissioners

200 N. Adams Ave. Lebanon, MO 65536

(417) 532-4897

Randy Angst

Presiding Commissioner
Randy Angst

Eastern Commissioner
Erik Lindsey

Western Commissioner
Joe Wasmer